Wednesday, December 3, 2008


One week has passed since Mumbai was held at ransom by a bunch of cynical inhumans. What happened was something we have seen only in the movies. I still haven't been able to really absorb what has actually happened. What frustrates and angers me more is the blame game that is played after such a disaster. People blame the police and the politicians, the opposition blames the ruling party, sometimes the media is blamed for misinformation and in turn the media blames the government. But haven't we as civilians of our country failed also somewhere. If we blame the government, then arn't we the ones who have elected them or not elected them (abstaining from voting). The officials out there are doing their duty. They may fail sometimes just as we fail in our daily life. How many of us can say that they have never failed in their duty. I for sure have had failures many a times. I have failed many a times as a son, a husband, a father,a friend and most important as a human being. I am sure the concerned authorities have not been negligent on purpose. The amount of pressure and information ( sometimes hoax calls) also leads them to overlook matters. I urge all of us to have a look at our day to day life and identify where we fail to follow the simplest and basic rules of living. I am sure we will notice that we break rules and laws every now and then. When there is no harm caused by doing this, we say that India main sab chalta hai. Kuan puchta hai. Right? Once we follow the minute laws and rules we make the work of the officials much simpler and allow them to concentrate on major tasks. Think about it. It is basic human nature that we take credit for results achieved and blame others for failures. Lets make an honest attempt to refrain from blaming others and doing all that is possible for us to do to make ours a civilised society.

1 comment:

Sailin Gudhka said...

Bravo.....I have the same feeling, but can't express it so well. Gr8 write up....Keep up the good work!!